I have always been a cautious person... Someone who errs more towards toeing the water than diving in, head first. So when friends urged me to start a blog, I'd dismiss the notion with a languid, "You're sweet," thanking them for the encouragement, and offering a conversation ending, "Maybe one day."
"You already have the content."
"You're already writing posts."
"Make a political blog."
"Or a mommy/daughter blog."
"Do an event-planning blog."
"Or how 'bout a travel blog?"
"You go to Disney all the time! Write about that!"
"Just do a lifestyle blog!"
I'd nod my head and shrug it off. I wanted to; I just didn't know where to start.
But as the months passed, my head spun with ideas - thwarted mostly by this adage of a focused market: How would I streamline my content? What audience did I want? And how willing was I to compartmentalize my humanhood into a single-faceted voice box for (insert theme here)?
The truth remained, I wasn't willing at all. And the more I considered this, the more it precipitated my delay.
I'm dual-brained, and in an era so outrageously focused on facade, I've centered myself around this bewitching and prodigious concept of a life lived authentic. I cannot and will not promote the characterization of picture-perfect, two by two squares. Nor will I reduce my purpose or passion to a robotic, paint by numbers, instamom. I'm just as much an amorous woman as I am a nurturing mother. I'm no more philosophy-nerd than I am NCAA-Football fan. And I can be equally vulnerable and acerbic, depending on the day's tax. I didn't want to do just a political blog, or just a travel blog, or just a mommy/daughter blog - 'cause I care about so much more than just one thing. (And no offense to anyone reading, but in the traditional sense, I couldn't see myself doing a "lifestyle" blog, because I find them (at least the successful ones) to be overly manufactured. And to be honest, a bit shallow - hashtag ad, hashtag gag me).
So, here's to throwing out the marketing book. I will write what moves me...
From politics to poetry.
Crafts, cakes; health and holidays.
Event planning and traveling and decorating.
Fashion, fitness, food.
Childhood and motherhood.
History, parenting;
Humor, sorrow.
How-to's and how-not's.
The ups and downs; the highs and lows.
And everything in-between.
There you have it. A Life Blog. Namely mine, and my vantage of those lives I love most. Co-starring a one-of-a-kind contributor who's fifty inches of pure magic.
So go ahead. Deal us in.
#twinairsigns #chaoscurated #documentyourdays #liveauthentic #loveauthentic #exploretocreate #creativepreneur #travelandlife #mydomaine #chasinglight #nothingisordinary #everylastdetail #localemarket #newblogger #newpost #lifesfortheliving #parenthood #motherhoodunplugged #childhoodunplugged #tutudumonde #badgleymischka #dtsp #stpetersburg #visitfl #sundial #localemarket #michaelmina #minamoments #droolclub #firstwefeast #foodstagram